Why do they call it the Emerald Isle?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

We've had a makeover!!!

Props to Vanessa (this is WHY she is Queen) and snaps to Shanny (she's long since been a compu-allstar) for my new beautiful blog. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, you guys are awesome, visit their blogs if you want to see more of their creativity at work. FYI if you can't tell, I've always been sort of a "MORE is MORE" kind of person.

As a side note, tonight Chaz was chewing on my finger (yes of course I had just washed my hands) and I yelled out in pain because he nearly drew blood with his new TOOTH! Yea Chubs, you're on your way to being able to enjoy the finer things in life, FOOD! I kind of thought he might be teething, see what an angel he is, even that doesn't alter his disposition in the slightest.


Vanessa said...

It was fun having you over. Thanks for the yummy dinner and Aubrey said she had a lot of fun with Zane and Zoey! I love the colors and the new pics you have added to the side to make the "brown longer".

Hills said...

Very nice...love the makeover! BTW..about your comment you left on mine...your right I do have to cherish those "get along" moments they don't happen to often around here either. Chad and I get a huge kick out of it sometimes. We'll all be sitting on the couch watching a moving...ahhh nice moment...then out of know where we have screaming because Elle's leg is on Wil or vice versa. Oh the joys...the things that scares me is that I remember having those confrontations clear into teenage years with my siblings. So the end of it may not be in near sight. Hopefully my kids are more relaxed than there Mom.

Colett (*.*) said...

love the new look, I am getting sucked in to the blogging community now. I have been checking out your blog since enrichment, now I'm official. Still have some changes to make but it's a begining. Check me out at yarroville.blogspot.com

Tanya said...

spockwing or whatever kind of diamond, I can't remember right now. lol. Love the more is more makeover! Very pretty. Ya, I've rotated the Motrin and Tylenol before, but he doesn't respondto Tylenol as well. And to be honest, I just wasn't thinking very straight at that time of the night at the 4 hour mark. I did't know you went to Wilcox. I'd say about half the people I know here in the valley go to him. They are all good over there.

Kim said...

Looks fabulous! When will I ever get my looking better? I can't believe Chaz is that old. It's a good thing that he is a bottle baby. Those teeth can really do some damage. I'm glad you had fun at the concert. You and your sisters always do fun things.

Palinista! said...

Kim, I know about the teeth, I almost lost a nipple to Zane. My kids teethe so early. That's just reason #1032 for me not to nurse.

Shannon said...

did you really just say nipple on your blog?

Palinista! said...

Yes! We are all girls here, right? The sensors were going crazy I almost had to change it to the apendage on the end of my breast then it wouldn't be tagged.

Vanessa said...

Nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple

Shannon said...

i don't even know what all of that means about sensors and stuff but really i don't care. you guys are talking about one of those motherhood things that i don't have to think about so i prefer not to. i'm logging off now and you guys can continue your "feel bad for my nipples conversation" and i'll just keep mine to myself, thank you very much.

Palinista! said...

I was taking off on our email sensor discussion the other night with Natalie. Guess you didn't get that one.