I know you all want to know these things about me, and I tag EVERYONE who reads this! I am putting a hex on anyone who reads this and doesn't put this list on their blog, I can't say what the hex is, you'll just have to wait and see :) . . .
1. Do you like blue cheese? Adore it, pungent or mild, European or Continental it is divine! Biaggi's at the Gateway has the best bleu cheese dressing I've ever tasted.
2. Have you ever smoked? Only meat and nuts
3. Do you own a gun? We do now (more on that in a future post)
4. What do you think of hot dogs? LOVE! Best w/chilli, cheese, onions, ketchup and mustard
5. Favorite Christmas movie? Hands down, Love Actually (it actually is all around) but I love The Holiday too.
6. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Fresca
7. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My Heart of the Ocean Ring, I stole it from Britney Spears after her boyfriend went down and got it for her after the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end . . .
8. Favorite hobby? Cooking, Eating, Shopping, Creating, Contemplating (oh, ok day-dreaming)
9. Do you have A.D.D.? hmmm don't think so but I do have H.S.D. (hyper-shopping-disorder)
10. What's one trait you hate about yourself? The hyperpigmentation on my face.
11. Middle name? West
12. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I'm tired/that IS a divine purse!/I've got to get over this headache so I can get on the treadmill tomorrow (too many sweets today)
13. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Water, Diet Coke, Fresca
14. Current worry? The Economy/The Election
15. Current hate right now? Mia Michaels, migraines (since I have one now)
16. Favorite place to be? Nordstrom/New York/ A Good Restaurant/Europe/On the Couch at the End of the Day when kids are in bed
17. How did you bring in the New Year? A Rockin party.
18. Where would you like to go? Ummm to bed, to Mt. Rushmore, to New York, to Belgium to visit our friends, to Rome, all those trips are coming up in the next year - stay tuned for my reports . . .
19. What shirt are you wearing? My embroidered butterfly t-shirt from anthro-apologie
20. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No, I love, love, love the silky but they are just too hot for me.
21. Can you whistle? Yes, although my sis says I am off key (I totally disagree)
22. Favorite color? Green, fave shade - chartreuse
23. Would you be a pirate? Yes, I love jewels and I can be VERY mean if I have to.
24. What songs do you sing in the shower? Lately it's been that duet from the 80's missionary farewells, How Great Shall Be Your Joy . . . my friend and I used to sing it together at those missionary farewells and our primary theme this month is reminding me of it :).
25. Favorite girl's name? Izadora
26. Last thing that made you laugh? Lance's utter joy from his 20 year class reunion Saturday night.
27. Worst injury you've ever had? Sprained ankle when I was 10 or 11 during softball. I know it doesn't sound like much but the pain is unforgetable and my ankle has been subject to bad sprainage ever since.
28. Do you love where you live? I Do, except for the sun and heat - let's import Seattle weather and it's perf.
29. What is your favorite book(s)? the BoM of course, oh and If You Want to Write, The Robe, These is My Words, Twilight
30. What is your favorite candy? Arm candy, aka purses! Oh, I also love malteasers and Queen Anne chocolate covered cherries
31. Favorite Sports Team? The Rebels!!! of course.
32. What song do you want played at your funeral? Come What May - from Moulin Rouge.